Top Facts Filers Should Know for Opening Day

8 years ago

Opening Day for the IRS is Today January 27, 2020. The Internal Revenue Service has set the opening day for…

IRS Publication 17 – One Stop For Tax Help

8 years ago

Facing a lot of different tax questions this year? If you are interested in researching some of these issues on…

Can You Claim a Baby Who Was Just Born on Your Taxes?

8 years ago

A lot of things change when you have a child. One of those things is your income tax regarding the…

How to File Income Tax When You Were on Workers’ Compensation All Year

8 years ago

Any change in your income can impact your income tax return since the IRS taxes different types of income at…

Can My Boyfriend Claim My Child on His Taxes?

8 years ago

Everybody loves tax exemptions. They reduce the amount of your taxable income, which affects the amount of taxes you pay.…

What Causes Delays in the IRS’ Approval of Electronic Tax Returns?

8 years ago

Every spring, taxpayers across the USA gather their tax documents to file taxes and get that coveted refund check. The…

Refund Timing for Earned Income Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credit Filers

8 years ago

The IRS will begin to release EITC/ACTC refunds starting Feb. 15. However, the IRS cautions taxpayers that these refunds likely…

IRS Proposes Changes to Rules for Dependents

8 years ago

The IRS is proposing to change its position on when taxpayers may qualify as childless for purposes of the Sec.…

If the IRS rejects your tax return, these codes will explain what went wrong

8 years ago

Getting your tax return rejected by the IRS can mark the outset of a serious freak-out session. Thankfully the process…

Identity Theft and Refund Fraud Overview

8 years ago

Combating identity theft is a top priority, and across the IRS many important steps are being taken to fight it.…

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