Tax Transcripts

Get Transcript Changes for 2019

A new transcript format is now in place to better protect your information from identity theft. This new transcript partially masks the personally identifiable information of everyone listed on the tax return. All financial entries will remain fully visible to assist with tax preparation, tax representation, and income verification.

The IRS is taking this action to better protect taxpayer data. Because of data thefts outside the tax system, cybercriminals often attempt to impersonate taxpayers and tax professionals. Thieves attempt to gain access to transcript data, which can help them file fraudulent tax returns or steal additional data of other individuals listed on the transcript.

Here’s what is visible on the new tax transcript:

  • Last four digits of any SSN listed on the transcript: XXX-XX-1234
  • Last four digits of any EIN listed on the transcript:  XX-XXX1234
  • Last four digits of any account or telephone number
  • First four characters of the last name for any individual (first three characters if the last name has only four letters)
  • First four characters of a business name First six characters of the street address, including spaces
  • All money amounts, including wage and income, balance due, interest and penalties

Starting January 7, 2019, tax professionals with proper authorization may request unmasked Wage and Income Transcripts for tax preparation and e-filing purposes. See below for Employer Information for Tax Return Preparation and Electronic Filing.

Starting February 4, 2019, as an additional protection for taxpayer data, the IRS will stop faxing tax transcripts to both individual and business taxpayers, tax professionals and other third parties. Individual taxpayers may use Get Transcript Online to view a masked transcript immediately or order one by mail for delivery to their address of record. Taxpayers may request unmasked transcript for tax preparation.  Unmasked transcripts will be mailed to the taxpayer’s address of record. Business transcripts are not masked and can be obtained by tax practitioners through the Transcript Delivery System.

Because the full Social Security number no longer is visible, the IRS has created an entry for a Customer File Number. This is an optional 10-digit number that can be created usually by third-parties that allow them to match a transcript to a taxpayer. The Customer File Number field will appear on the transcript when that number is entered on Line 5b of Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return and Form 4506T-EZ.

Here’s how it would work for a taxpayer seeking to verify income for a lender: The lender will assign a 10-digit number, for example, a loan number, to the Form 4506-T. The Form 4506-T may be signed and submitted by the taxpayer or signed by the taxpayer and submitted by the lender. The Customer File Number assigned by the requestor on the Form 4506-T will populate on the transcript. The requestor may assign any number except the taxpayer’s Social Security number. Once received by the requester, the transcript’s Customer File Number serves as the tracking number to match it to the taxpayer.

Get Transcript (Taxpayers) and the Customer File Number

Only individual taxpayers may use Get Transcript Online or Get Transcript by Mail. Many taxpayers use this service to satisfy requests for income verification. The Customer File Number will be available for Get Transcript users starting January 14, 2019. Taxpayers can manually enter a Customer File Number assigned to them, for example, by a lender or college financial oice. That Customer File Number will display on the transcript either when it is downloaded or when it is mailed to the taxpayer.

Get Transcript through

  1. A transcript ordering system for IMF, called Get Transcript, is available to the public at any time on Get Transcript is not offered for BMF. This application provides two options – a view/print option titled Get Transcript Online and a mail option titled Get Transcript by Mail.
  2. Get Transcript no longer have the capability to fax or email a transcript.
    • Get Transcript Online allows the taxpayer to download in PDF format any of the five transcripts (tax return, tax account, record of account, wage and income, verification of non-filing letter) to view or print. There is no limitation on the number of transcripts which can be requested in one session. Get Transcript Online is offered only in English, see IRM, Get Transcript Online through, for additional information about the application.
    • Get Transcript by Mail, formerly called Order a Transcript, allows the taxpayer to request either a tax return or tax account transcript be mailed to the address of record. This option cannot be used for delivery to an alternate address. There is no limitation on the number of pages which are mailed, unlike transcripts generated using TDS as explained in IRM, Postal Mail. Get Transcript by Mail is offered in both English and Spanish, see IRM, Get Transcript by Mail through, for additional information about the application.
  3. If an identity theft indicator is present for the tax year requested, Get Transcript Online will generate a message asking the taxpayer to contact Identity Theft toll-free and no transcript will be systemically generated. For Get Transcript by Mail, taxpayers will receive a letter in place of the transcript advising them to contact Identity Theft toll-free.

Get Transcript Online through

  1. For taxpayers to use Get Transcript Online, they must have access to the internet (via a computer or tablet) and have used an SSN to file their return.
  2. Taxpayers must be granted access to Get Transcript Online via Secure Access eAuthentication. The IRS mobile application, IRS2Go, can be used during the eAuthentication process to receive a security code. Complete information on Secure Access eAuthentication, including registration and IRS2Go. Note: The IRS2Go app cannot be used to obtain a transcript online.
  3. After successfully registering, the taxpayer may select a justification for the transcript request to be directed to a specific transcript type. Taxpayers can select available transcripts based on the type and year.
  4. There are some instances where the taxpayer will not be able to pass authentication for Get Transcript Online (e.g., the taxpayer has never filed, the taxpayer uses an ITIN, the taxpayer cannot pass one of the required steps in the Secure Access eAuthentication process). The Secure Access eAuthentication system will direct these taxpayers immediately to Get Transcript by Mail, as applicable. Taxpayers may also submit a Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return, to obtain any of the five transcript types or call the IRS to request a tax return or tax account transcript.

Can the IRS Fax my Transcripts to me?

IRS Get Transcripts no longer will have the capability to fax or email a tax transcript. As an additional protection for taxpayer data, the IRS will stop faxing tax transcripts to both individual and businesses starting February 4, 2019.

Should I order my transcripts by mail?

Why when I try to view my Account Transcript it says no record found?

They don’t have a record of your tax return yet. The Transcript Delivery System (TDS) cannot be used to provide a tax return transcript until the return is available on Master File. The transcript will display a message of No record of return filed until showing on Master file.

Why is my transcript displaying zeros for the refund amount?

Account transcripts generated before the return has updated to Master File will be incomplete and subject to change until the return is fully processed. For example, account transcripts may display a message of “Requested Data Not Found” or display zeros as placeholders for the refund amount. Your account transcripts will be incomplete and content will continue to change until IRS has fully processed the return. Taxpayers should wait until the return has processed before requesting a copy of the account transcript.

Can I view my Transcript if I have been a victim of Identity Theft?

Yes, you can still access Get Transcript online or by mail. If the IRS is unable to process your request due to identity theft, you’ll receive an online message or a letter if using the mail option that provides specific instructions to request a transcript.

Accounts with Resolved Identity Theft

  1. If the account has been corrected and no idenity theft is showing on the account, IRS will provide a tax account transcript using TDS.
  2. If the account has not been corrected, a tax account transcript cannot be provided.

Resolved identity theft accounts will show Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 501 or AC 506 for the tax year.

Accounts showing signs of Identity Theft

Transcript Delivery System (TDS) is programmed to recognize certain identity theft indicators on accounts. For a jointly filed return, TDS will look at indicators on both the primary and secondary accounts. TDS does not allow any transcripts to generate for the tax year requested if the following Transaction Codes (TC) and Action Codes (AC) are present for that tax year:

  • TC 971, AC 501 – Taxpayer Identified Tax-related identity theft – case resolved
  • TC 971, AC 506 – IRS identified Tax-related identity theft – case resolved
  • TC 971, AC 522 – Pending claim of identity theft – case not resolved
  • TC 971, AC 524 – Taxpayer deceased, account locked
  • TC 971, AC 525 – ITIN/SSN Mismatch due to Employment-related identity theft

Note: If there is a TC 972 with the same transaction date and tax year as the TC 971, which reverses the IDT indicator, and no other indicators are present, transcripts will generate as usual.

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