Tax Refund Status

We have received your tax return and it is being processed

“We have received your tax return and it is being processed”refund status message is a good sign and indicates the tax return is being processed and your tax return is still on track to a refund date. When you see the WMR refund status “We have received your tax return and it is being processed” the system is informing you the IRS is working to complete your tax return on time.

“We have received your tax return and it is being processed” refund status indicates the tax return is being processed and the tax return is still on track to a refund date. The IRS is systematically releasing direct deposits each week. The system displays the “being processed” refund status while waiting for the tax return to be completed so that the system can generate a tax refund approval date in a future cycle week.

Is it good to see the IRS We have received your tax return and it is being processed refund status message?

We have received your tax return and it is being processed refund status message is a good sign and indicates the tax return is being processed and your tax return is still on track to a refund date. The IRS is systematically releasing direct deposits each week. The system displays the “being processed” refund status while waiting for the tax return to be completed so that the system can generate a tax refund approval date in a future cycle week.

Why am I seeing the IRS “Being Processed message?

Because the IRS can only process and systematically release a designated number of tax refunds each week. Most taxpayers could see the “We have received your tax return and it is being processed” refund status message on WMR for a few cycle weeks or longer until the computer generates an update to their tax account.

If you see We have received your tax return and it is being processed

  • Know the IRS is still working to complete the tax return on time and your tax return is still on track to a refund date.
  • the system is waiting for the tax return to be completed so that the system can generate a tax refund approval date.
  • You should wait a couple more weeks the IRS is releasing direct deposits each week.

If your WMR refund status changes from The PATH Refund Status” to “Being Processed” this is a good sign the IRS is still working to complete the tax return and your tax return is still on track to a refund. The IRS system is waiting for the tax return to be completed so that the system can generate a tax refund approval date in a future cycle week.

If your WMR refund status changes from “Being Processed” to “your tax return is still being processed” the IRS system has potentially detected an issue that could possibly delay your tax refund longer than the original 21-day processing timeframe.

If your WMR refund status changes from “your tax return is still being processed” to “Being Processed” this is a good sign the issue with your tax return is close to being resolved and the IRS system is waiting for the tax return to be completed so that the system can generate a tax refund approval date in a future cycle week.

We have received your tax return and it is Being Processed

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