Tax QuestionsCategory: ProcessingWhy was my tax return resequenced?
John Fritz asked 4 years ago

Why was my tax return resequenced?

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1 Answers
TaxMax answered 4 years ago

A resequenced tax return means the return was taken out of the processing system and put back in at a later date. It went into processing and while in processing the computer found something in error on the return. The return was sent over to the errors and resolutions department to have someone check the return over further. There sometimes can be a long wait to get a person to check the return over, also they can not always get the return corrected and done in a certain time period, depending on the issue it may take multiple days or weeks to fix or correct the problem. Resequencing can delay posting from one to eleven weeks. Once the issues are corrected on the tax return they will place your return back into processing at a later date.

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