Home Forums Still Processing My bars disappeared! Am I being reviewed?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Veronika Greenwell 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Refundtalk

    My bars disappeared! Am I being reviewed? All I am seeing is a generic “Still Processing” message. What does this mean?

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    Veronika Greenwell

    Some people think the WMR message “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.” means that you are being reviewed. This is not entirely true.
    The computer process all returns but if for some reason the computer flags your return you will see this message while the IRS sends your return to the desk of a human to actually look it over for further review. It may also mean other things, like your ID needs to be verified, you have been resequenced (meaning the machine has pushed your return back to process during the next cycle), or there was a small calculation error that needs to be fixed. The important thing is that this message only indicates that, at THIS moment, the IRS cannot guarantee your refund within 21 days. Some people update to one or two bars a few days later. Don’t let this message stress you out. Relax and wait for either a letter or a new WMR update.

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