Home Forums PATH ACT Does the Path Act message mean my Return was approved?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Veronika Greenwell 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Refundtalk

    I received the Path Act message in wmr and my bars disappeared, does this mean I am approved?

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    Veronika Greenwell

    Once your tax return status goes from received to the PATH ACT message all that means is that your taxes were being processed the computer recognized you had either EIC or ACTC or education credits. Nothing more. Once it recognized that then your status went from received to the bars disappearing with the PATH message. It doesn’t mean approved or denied. It means you’re still on the first bar. Once Feb 15th hits your bars will return to the WMR site and will move accordingly. If the IRS needs something from you you’ll get an error code or a letter. If they don’t need anything then you’ll process accordingly and move on to the second Bar meaning approved then the third bar meaning deposited or sent to your bank. That’s the entire truth. You’re all ordering transcripts for no reason if you’re only doing it to find out when you’ll be getting your refunds. It will be on or after February 15th no sooner.

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