Home Forums IRS Reference Codes IRS Reference Code 1001

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Refundtalk 7 years, 6 months ago
  • tara berks

    What is IRS Reference Code 1001?

    IRS Reference Code 1001 typically indicates that there is an issue with the taxpayer’s tax return filing status. This code may appear if the taxpayer has already filed a return for the same tax year, or if the taxpayer’s Social Security Number (SSN) has already been used on another tax return.

    This reference code can also appear if the IRS has received a tax return, but it is incomplete or missing certain information. The IRS will typically send a letter or notice to the taxpayer explaining the issue and requesting additional information or documentation to resolve the matter.

    If you have received a notice with Reference Code 1001 from the IRS, it is important to review the notice carefully and respond promptly. Ignoring the notice or failing to provide the requested information could result in penalties, interest, or other consequences.

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    Refund paper check mailed more than 4 weeks ago See IRM, Refund Issued But, Lost, Stolen, Destroyed or Not Received

    If you check Where’s My Refund (WMR) tool and see you have a reference code, you should identify the code and see if any action is required.
    In many cases, no action is required on your part. If there is an issue, the IRS will typically send you a letter to your mailing address on file within 90 days stating what the issue was, and any additional information required.

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