Home Forums IRS Reference Codes Reference Code 1102

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Refundtalk 7 years, 6 months ago
  • tara berks

    What does IRS Reference code 1102 mean?

    IRS reference code 1102 usually appears when a taxpayer has claimed the Recovery Rebate Credit on their tax return. The Recovery Rebate Credit is a refundable tax credit that was available to eligible individuals who did not receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments (also known as stimulus checks) in 2020 or 2021.

    Reference code 1102 is used by the IRS to indicate that the Recovery Rebate Credit claimed on the tax return is being held for review or audit. This may happen if the IRS needs to verify information on the tax return, such as income or dependent information, before processing the credit.

    Taxpayers who receive reference code 1102 should be prepared to provide any requested documentation or information to the IRS to support their claim for the Recovery Rebate Credit. It is also important to respond promptly to any correspondence from the IRS regarding the credit to avoid delays in processing the tax return and receiving any refund due.

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    No data, taxpayer filed electronic return more than 3 weeks ago See IRM, Return Not Found

    If you check Where’s My Refund (WMR) tool and see you have a reference code, you should identify the code and see if any action is required.
    In many cases, no action is required on your part. If there is an issue, the IRS will typically send you a letter to your mailing address on file within 90 days stating what the issue was, and any additional information required.

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