Home Forums IRS Reference Codes Reference Code 1341

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Refundtalk 7 years, 6 months ago
  • tara berks

    Do you have IRS Reference code 1341?

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    Refund delayed, liability on another account; V- Freeze IRM, V- Freeze

    The V- freeze enables the IRS to comply with the automatic stay provisions of the Bankruptcy Code by “freezing” the pre-petition tax modules so collection actions do not take place. IRS employees, upon learning of a bankruptcy, generally should cease all demands and enforcement actions directed against the bankrupt taxpayer; e.g., a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) for pre-petition taxes should not be filed and no levy should be proposed or made for pre-petition taxes. But certain action may be necessary to comply with various standing court orders which allow assessments, offsets, or refunds to the debtor. Also, actions may be required under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) which is applicable to cases filed on or after October 17, 2005.

    In many cases, no action is required on your part. If there is an issue, the IRS will typically send you a letter to your mailing address on file within 90 days stating what the issue was, and any additional information required.

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