Home Forums IRS Reference Codes IRS Reference Code 1541

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by tara berks 6 years, 1 month ago
  • Refundtalk

    Do you have IRS Reference Code 1541?

    Share your experience with filing your tax return and seeing “IRS Reference code 1541”

    If you check where’s my refund? and see this status share what you found out here!


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    tara berks

    Reference code 1541 is an internal code that the IRS uses to identify returns that have been “Delayed”. This means your return was flagged and put under further review(45-60Days) or until they can get the issue resolved. This message typically means that they are holding your refund until you resolve past filling issues related to:
    ⦁ Adding a Dependant that someone else claimed in prior years
    ⦁ Back Child Support
    ⦁ Back taxes owed from Federal or State
    ⦁ Earned Income Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit
    ⦁ Failure to file any prior years tax return
    ⦁ Government Student Loans
    ⦁ Over Payment of Unemployment Compensation

    The errors and resolutions department will look further into the tax return and try to correct the problem. If they are not able to correct the issue you will receive a letter within 30 days requesting information from the IRS

    You can also contact the IRS directly at 1-800-829-1040 and mention the reference code 1541 if it has been 21 days or more since you submitted your return.

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