Home Forums How Do you Prepare Your Taxes? What information do I need to file my taxes?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Refundtalk 7 years, 6 months ago
  • tara berks

    What information do I need to file my taxes?

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    1. W-2: This form shows how much income you made and how much you paid in taxes while working for your employer during the tax year.
    2. 1099: You will receive a 1099-Misc if you were not paid as an employee, but worked as an independent contractor or did work on the side and made more than $600. A 1099-INT form shows interest earned from your bank account.
    3. 1098: If you, your spouse or your child attended college, you should receive a 1098-T for the education costs you paid and a 1098-E for any student loan interest payments you made of more than $600. You will need these forms since you can receive education credits and deductions.

    Other information you should have on hand when sitting down to do your taxes:

    Social Security numbers: You will need the correct social security numbers for your spouse and anyone else you are claiming as a dependent. According to the IRS, one of the most common filing mistakes is providing a wrong SSN.
    Receipts for donated items: If you made charitable contributions during the year and you itemize your deductions, your goodwill can reduce your taxes. Potential deductions include donations of money or goods to qualified charitable organizations.

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