Tax QuestionsCategory: OffsetI paid off my arrears but my refunds were still taken. What’s going on?
riverbendrock asked 6 years ago

I paid off my arrears but my refunds were still taken. What’s going on?

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1 Answers
Veronika Greenwell answered 6 years ago

It may be related to the time of the year when you paid off your child support debt compared to when your refund was taken. Updates to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through the Federal Child Support Office (OCSE) do not occur between mid-November and mid-December. If you paid off your child support debt during that period of time the IRS may not have known that fact, and therefore, may have taken your refund. There is also the typical 3-5 business day delay that occurs between the time the State Child Support Services records your payment against your child support debt and the time the IRS updates its system.

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