The Taxpayer Bill of Rights groups the dozens of existing rights in the Internal Revenue Code into ten fundamental rights, and makes these rights clear, understandable, and accessible for taxpayers and IRS employees alike.

The Taxpayer Bill of Rights protects all taxpayers working with the IRS. In fact, they lay out the framework to make sure the IRS fairly and impartially carries out tax administration.

These rights are explained on and in Publication 1, Your Rights As A Taxpayer. They describe what taxpayers can expect if they need to work with the IRS on a personal tax matter, such as:
•Filing a return
•Paying taxes
•Responding to a letter
•Going through an audit
•Appealing an IRS decision


To help taxpayers understand their rights, here they are, along with links where people can go for more information.

1.The right to be informed
2.The right to quality service
3.The right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax
4.The right to challenge the IRS’s position and be heard 
5.The right to appeal an IRS decision in an independent forum
6.The right to finality
7.The right to privacy
8.The right to confidentiality
9.The right to retain representation
10.The right to a fair and just tax system

More information:
What the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Means for You
Taxpayer Advocate Service

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