Attention identity theft victims: IP Pin Number should be mailed by Early January each year. Here’s how to get one, reissued if it was lost or if you moved…
The Identity Protection PIN is the result of an IRS program to help victims of Tax ID Theft.
The Identity Protection PIN is a six-digit Identity Protection Personal Identification Number, or IP PIN, provided to those victims of tax-related identity theft who have had their identities verified by IRS and is intended to help avoid delays in processing the taxpayer’s federal returns. A taxpayer who receives IRS Letter 4869CS, providing them with an IP PIN, must follow the instructions provided when preparing the return. This IP PIN will be used to clearly identify the return as belonging to the correct taxpayer when that taxpayer has previously been identified as a victim of identity theft. If an individual fails to enter or provide their IP PIN for inclusion in their return, processing of the return could be delayed and paper filing may be necessary.

Does everyone need an IP PIN?
No, only if your identity has been compromised
Getting Your IP PIN
To get your IP PIN, you must be eligible as determined in Step 1 below. You’ll receive your IP PIN online once we verify your identity. The IRS will send you a new IP PIN each December by postal mail.
- Determine your eligibility…
You must get an IP PIN to file your current or prior year tax returns in 2019 if:
You lost the CP01A Notice the IRS sent you with your new IP PIN, or
You didn’t receive your new IP PIN and you had one before, or
IRS rejected your e-file return because your IP PIN was missing or incorrect
You may choose to get an IP PIN only if:
You received an IRS letter inviting you to ‘opt-in’ to get an IP PIN, or
You filed your federal tax return last year with an address in Florida, Georgia or the District of Columbia - What you need…
To register and use this service, you need:
Your Social Security number, date of birth, filing status and mailing address from your latest tax return,
Access to your email account,
Your credit card number or account number from a car loan, mortgage, home equity loan or home equity line of credit, and
A mobile phone with your name on the account. - Get your IP PIN!
To get an IP PIN, you must:
Pass IRS identity verification secure access process, and Create a user profile
Get an IP PIN – Planned Outage until Jan. 2018 – This service will be unavailable until Jan. 2018 for scheduled end-of-year maintenance.
Note: If you previously registered for an IP PIN, Get Transcript, View Your Tax Account or an Online Payment Agreement, you should log in with the same username and password. You may be required to verify your identity again.
Unable to Get Your IP PIN Online?
If you’re unable to get your IP PIN using the IRS Get An IP PIN tool, go to Retrieve Your IP PIN to see if you meet the requirements to have an IP PIN reissued. You may also call the IRS at 800-908-4490 for specialized assistance, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time), to have your IP PIN reissued. An assistor will verify your identity and mail your IP PIN to your address of record within 21 days.
Additional Information
Visit FAQs about the IP PIN for more information. Visit the IRS Identity Protection page if you don’t meet any of the IP PIN eligibility requirements in Step 1 above and you believe you’re a victim of identity theft.
Credit Security Freeze with Experian
If you’ve placed a credit security freeze with Experian, you must contact Experian to have the freeze temporarily removed to allow us to verify your identity. Once you have your IP PIN or are no longer attempting to register, you may contact Experian to resume the freeze unless you scheduled it to resume automatically
Each Identity Protection PIN can only be used once. The IRS will send a new IP PIN in or around mid to late December for three years after the identity theft, or longer if your IRS account shows you’re still an identity theft victim.