Ever wonder what happens to your return once you hit the submit button and e-file your Income Tax Return? Once you submit your tax return it is submitted to one of the five processing centers across the country.
- Austin
- Cincinnati
- Fresno
- Kansas City
- Ogden
Once one of these processing centers receive your tax return it is uploaded into the Integrated Data Retrieval System
Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) – A computer system with the capability to instantaneously retrieve or update stored information in harmony with the Master File of taxpayer accounts. This system is aimed at quick resolution of problems and queries concerning current taxpayer accounts. It furnishes information immediately for IRS personnel in their work assignments.
After your tax return is uploaded into IDRS it is now ready for IRS Personnel to review. After your return is reviewed and as long as it does not need any further actions. Your finalized tax return will be submitted to the Master File(MF) located at the Cincinnati Processing Center.
Master File(MF) – Subsidiary records of taxpayer accounts established and maintained on magnetic tape.
Daily Cycles
- Â These accounts usually post within 4 business days. Â IRS processes and post individual taxpayer submissions on a daily basis. Only accounts and transactions that have met specific criteria will process and post daily. The Remaining accounts and transactions will re-sequence until the end of the cycle and reflect as a weekly account.
- Daily transactions directed to a daily account are expected to post daily with daily processing. Transactions will be displayed using Corporate File On-line the second day after campus input. Transactions will be displayed on IDRS Â the third day after campus input.
- The majority of taxpayers will fall under daily accounts.
IRS Manual
IMF Daily Processing
IMF processing will be daily except on weekends. Some transactions post to IMF on a daily basis as opposed to during the weekly cycle.
IMF Cycle Date is a daily cycle designated by an eight-digit number indicating the year, the two-digit cycle number and the two-digit number indicating the day of the week (YYYYWWDD). The following values for DD are defined:
- 01 = Friday
- 02 = Monday
- 03 = Tuesday
- 04 = Wednesday
- 05 = Thursday
This date is the equivalent of the Cycle Date in IDRS and reflects the date the transaction is posted by IMF. See Exhibit 3.30.123-2, Enterprise Computing Center – MTB Posting Cycle Calendar.
IMF daily transactions directed to daily accounts input on the campus on Monday, August 11, 2014, will have a posting cycle of 20143302.
Elongated Day is created when two (or more) days of IMF daily input are processed in a single IMF daily day. This usually occurs due to scheduled non-business days, such as federal holidays, and dead cycles. In those situations, the IMF Posting Date will be the last or latest date in the Elongated Day.
Any holiday input will be combined with the following business day and the posting date will be the business day after the holiday unless IMF processing problems occur.
An IMF Deferred Day occurs when the IMF has a scheduled processing day but does not process. There will be scheduled deferred days to allow the IMF to reanalyze the accounts to mark as daily or weekly. Unscheduled deferred days may also occur when an IMF programming problem has been identified, but cannot be corrected without impacting IDRS availability. For both scheduled and unscheduled deferred days, the daily input will be combined with the next processing day’s input and will reflect the posting date of the actual IMF processing day.
IMF Refund Payment Date -The IMF Refund Payment Date will be computed by IMF for both Direct Deposit and Paper Check refunds and will be listed on the refund transaction TC 846 in fields:
IMF computes this field as the posted cycle date PLUS four business days for Direct Deposit refunds; posted cycle date PLUS six business days for Paper Check refunds
Weekly Cycles
- These accounts usually post within 7 business days. IRS processes and post individual taxpayer submissions on a daily basis.
- Weekly transactions directed to a daily account are expected to post with the master file weekly processing on Thursday and may result in the account type changing to weekly.
- Daily and weekly transactions directed to a weekly account are expected to post with the weekly processing on Thursday.
There are many reasons why you would not meet the requirements for daily accounts. Below are a few:
- ITIN Accounts
- Foreign Address
- Campus Address
- Identity Theft Indicators
- Prisoner File
- Related MFT 31 ( Bankruptcy, Offer in Compromise, Restitution Related, Tax Court, Innocent Spouse, Exam agreed/ unagreed cases, Taxpayer Assistance Order, Installment Agreement, Currently Not Collectible)
- Criminal Investigation Activity
- Tax Module History (two years prior) with CI, Exam or Collection Activity
- Civil Penalty Account (MFT 55)
Posting Dates
Campus Cycles
- Thursday – Wednesday (excluding Weekend or Holidays)
Master File
- Processing Friday – Thursday (excluding Weekend or Holidays)
Notice Review
Processes (8 days later) Saturday – Monday
Campus Cycle & Master File Refunds for accounts will be accelerated to provide refunds to taxpayers more quickly. Notice Review accounts will post eight days after a finalized review.
Things to remember ever tax season
- The IRS does not give you your refund.
- Taxpayer refunds are debited from the United States Treasurer office. The Treasurer Keeps Record of the United States Money.
- When the IRS has finalized your return it could still take up to 48 hours for the Treasurers Office to send a deposit to your bank or prepare to cut a check to be mailed.
So when you are arguing with the lady from the IRS customer support about getting you your refund. She can not help you get your money any quicker. The IRS just Reviews and Posts to the account. The Treasurers Office distributes funds to the taxpayer.
Thank You Very Much for your Support and Please Continue to Follow and Share are Income Tax Refund Updates!