
If your tax return for last year has been completed and filed, you are probably thinking about getting rid of the tax records related to that return. On the other hand, if you are afraid to dump old records, you are probably looking for a box to put them in so you can store them…


October 15 is the filing deadline for taxpayers who requested an extension for their 2018 tax return. However, those who have an extension should mark this coming Tuesday, Oct. 15 as the deadline to file. While the deadline is just around the corner, there are still things these taxpayers can remember to make sure they…


Everyone has a responsibility to pay his or her taxes each and every year. There are severe penalties imposed by the IRS if you avoid or neglect a tax filing submission, and you don’t want to make life chaotic for yourself. The solution, then, is simple, and it furthermore requires you to stay on top…


The earned income credit (EIC) is one of the most beneficial credits for individuals with children or those that are low income. Created in 1975 as an incentive for people to work, this credit potentially translates to huge tax savings. As with many other credits, you may not claim the earned income credit (EIC), also…


The first step in planning for the year’s tax liability is filling out a W-4 form for your employer. Most people do not even know what a W-4 is let alone how to fill one out or the consequences for completing it incorrectly. While you will not be stoned in the street for claiming too…


The term “exemption” is often one that inspires bewilderment and perplexity among the most intelligent individuals. When filing your personal tax return or even filling out a W-4 for your employer, you may not be sure what exactly an exemption is – and you certainly do not want to ask and look like an idiot. So,…


There are several ways in which education expenses can be used to decrease your tax burden. In addition to the Hope Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit, and the student loan interest deduction, there is also a deduction available for tuition and fees related to educational expenses. Although this deduction can not be taken if you…


When filing your personal income tax return, there are primarily two ways to reduce your tax liability: deductions and credits. Although any way to pay Uncle Sam less is greatly appreciated, there are advantages to utilizing different techniques in reducing the amount you pay in taxes. Deductions and credits are actually considerably different creatures and…


In all the complexity of tax preparation, it is easy to miss a deduction or credit. This is a particular advantage to utilizing a professional tax service because they ask all the questions you may otherwise overlook. Here is a look at some of the most commonly missed deductions and credits. Tuition and Fees Deduction…

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