Need Help with Your Tax Troubles? Dealing with tax issues can be frustrating, confusing, and frightening. The IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service is made up of individuals who are knowledgeable about the inner workings of the IRS but aren’t directly employed by the IRS. These professionals can advise you regarding your best options. What Is the IRS Taxpayer…
Tax Advocate Service
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an organization within the Internal Revenue Service that is designed to help taxpayers resolve problems with the IRS. HOW IT WORKS The TAS was first formed in 1978. Over time, it gained more responsibilities and authority, primarily as the result of the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 and the passage of…
The Department of Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS) issues IRS tax refunds and Congress authorizes BFS to conduct the Treasury Offset Program (TOP). Through the TOP program, BFS may reduce your refund (overpayment) and offset it to pay: Past-due child support; Federal agency non-tax debts; State income tax obligations; or Certain unemployment compensation debts owed…
The IRS’s Failure to Establish Goals to Reduce High False Positive Rates for Its Fraud Detection Programs Increases Taxpayer Burden and Compromises Taxpayer Rights Over the past decade, the IRS has been significantly impacted by fraud and identity theft. To detect and prevent identity theft and other tax refund fraud, the IRS has established a…
Return Review Program
A system the IRS uses to identify potentially fraudulent electronically filed tax returns. It enhances the IRS’s capabilities to detect, resolve, and prevent criminal and civil noncompliance and reduces issuance of fraudulent tax refunds. The Return Review Program (RRP) is the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) primary individual tax refund fraud selection system. The RRP uses…
Early Direct Deposit Accounts Direct deposit is the “fastest, safest way to receive your tax refund,” According to the IRS. There are several advantages to direct deposit of a tax refund: You can get your refund much faster, typically in about 8 to 10 days; More secure than getting a check in the mail…
With millions of tax refunds being processed, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers they can get fast answers about their refund by using the “Where’s My Refund?” tool available on and through the IRS2Go app. More than 70 percent of taxpayers will receive a refund this year. The Internal Revenue Service issues nine out of…
Even without a government shutdown, taxpayers are having trouble getting through to the IRS at the start of the 2018 tax filing season. Busy signals and long hold times are leading to frustration. We’ve even heard of waits of longer than an hour on the “hotline” for tax practitioners. What’s more, the situation probably…