Student loans are a major financial factor for millions of Americans, and their influence extends beyond monthly payments and interest rates. If you’re repaying student loans or have benefited from loan forgiveness programs, understanding how these situations affect your tax return is essential. Here’s a detailed look at how student loan interest deductions and forgiveness…
Category Archives: Student Loans
CFPB Takes Action Against Navient for Years of Student Loan Mismanagement and Violations
Order would put an end to Navient’s years of abuse of students and taxpayers in the federal student loan program Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced a proposed order against Navient, a major student loan servicer, for its long history of mismanagement and illegal practices. If the court approves the order, Navient will…
FAQ on Student Loan Cancellation
What is the Student Loan Cancellation? Last month, President Biden laid out a plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt per borrower. Beneath this seemingly simple plan comes quite a few questions about how, exactly, it will work. Naturally, borrowers have questions. Here are a few of the answers we know…
Student Loan Pause Extended Through May 1, 2022
The U.S. Department of Education announced a 90-day extension of the pause on student loan repayment, interest, and collections through May 1, 2022. The extension will allow the Administration to assess the impacts of the Omicron variant on student borrowers and provide additional time for borrowers to plan for the resumption of payments and reduce…
Student Loan Tax Offset Hardship Refund
College is a time for you to become independent, make lasting memories, and pursue an education that leads to a career you’re passionate about. However, higher education can come at a cost. Once you graduate, you may have forgotten about all of the student loans you borrowed over the years to pay for your degree.…
How Student Loans Could Affect Your Taxes?
Do student loans affect my tax returns? It depends. If you are still in school and receiving money from student loans, you should not consider that income, since you are obligated to pay it back. If you have graduated and are making payments on your student loans, then your student loans may affect your tax…
U.S. Department of Education has Suspended Student Loan Debt Collection for 60 Days
Federal student loan borrowers late on their payments have been granted some relief by the Department of Education, which will stop the collections process for federal student loans in default, including wage garnishment actions, which won’t garnish their wages or withhold money from their federal benefits or tax refunds for at least 60 days starting…
Avoiding Tax Offsets Due to Student Loan Debt
If your student loans are in default, you’re probably worried about your tax refund. Will the student loan lenders take it? First, let’s set the record straight on private loans. Private student loan companies can’t take your tax refund. The lender may be able to take money from your bank account, but that’s only if they’ve sued…