These are some of the most common questions we see on a daily basis. All Refunds Are Delayed The IRS issues more than nine out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. Eight in 10 taxpayers get their refunds faster by using e-file and direct deposit. It’s the safest, fastest way to receive a…
Daily or Weekly Accounts
IRS Daily and Weekly Account Processing What is the difference between IRS Daily and Weekly Accounts? The difference is when your tax return is processed, and when updates are made and posted to your account. Daily Accounts: Daily Tax Accounts: Certain individual tax returns undergo daily processing without requiring any additional actions to the taxpayer’s account…
What is IRS Hub Testing?
Every year, the IRS accepts several batches of tax returns to test in a Controlled Launch before they are officially open. What is HUB testing? HUB Testing or Controlled Launch is the period when the IRS tests the electronic filing system by receiving a limited number of tax returns in advance of the official opening of the e-file. The IRS…
Tax refund loan products are staging a comeback in recent years, with various vendors rolling out enticing perks tied to your tax refund. Leading tax preparation services are introducing new offerings for tax refund loans this year, but it doesn’t stop there. From car dealerships to furniture stores, numerous places sweeten the deal if you…
What Is the Usual Turnaround Time to Get a Tax Refund? The IRS sends the tax refund within 21 calendar days. Of course, the timeframe assumes your tax return is accurate and free of any red flags or errors. According to their website, the IRS processes the tax refund within the 21 calendar days timeframe approximately 9…
Tax Filing Tips
In preparation for the tax season, it is imperative that you have a strategy to complete your taxes quickly, accurately, and with as little hassle as possible… all while keeping the cost down. With those things in mind, here are eight tax filing tips to help keep you sane this tax season. 1. Start and Finish…
A new transcript format is now in place to better protect your information from identity theft. This new transcript partially masks the personally identifiable information of everyone listed on the tax return. All financial entries will remain fully visible to assist with tax preparation, tax representation, and income verification. The IRS is taking this action…
What You Need to Know About Filing as Head of Household Who Can File as Head of Household? To file as a head of household, you have to meet a few guidelines set by the IRS. To qualify, you have to be: Single: First, you have to be single or legally separated on the final day of…