Tag: Where’s. My. Refund


If you’ve filed your taxes already, then you’re probably waiting anxiously for your refund. If you’re like many people, you use the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool or APP a few times each day in hopes that the status of your refund has progressed and is getting closer to your mailbox or bank account. Sometimes,…


As millions of people begin filing their tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers about some basic tips to keep in mind about their refunds. During the early parts of the tax season, early filers are anxious to get details about their tax refunds. And in some social media, this can lead to misunderstandings…


Opening Day for the IRS is Today January 27, 2020. The Internal Revenue Service has set the opening day for the 2020 tax filing season for Monday, Jan. 27, 2020. That’s the day the IRS will begin accepting and processing 2019 tax year returns. The tax filing deadline this year is Wednesday, April 15, 2020…


The IRS is delaying tax refunds for more than 40 million low-income families this year as the agency steps up efforts to fight identity theft and fraud. The delays will affect families claiming the earned income tax credit and the additional child tax credit. These tax breaks are geared to benefit the working poor, and…


The Internal Revenue Service and its in-house watchdog the National Taxpayer Advocate’s office are debating the future of the agency and how that will affect us and our filings in the coming years. The IRS is working on what it calls its Future State plan, an outline of agency activities in five years and beyond.…


Did you know about 27 percent of Earned Income Tax Credit returns are paid in error? According to the IRS, the five most common errors account for more than 60 percent of erroneous claims. Remember, EITC preparers have due diligence requirements or questions you must ask your client, to determine eligibility for the credit. Errors…

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