
Please Participate if You Filed Taxes Before Feb. 5

So I woke up this morning and my inbox is full of people that did not get their money in last night’s updates. We are not IRS officials so Please don’t YELL at us. We have no control over when you get your money. We would like to Congratulate everyone that has received an update or received a DDD. Please help us determine how many people that filed On or Before February 5th have not heard anything or seen very little progress.

If you have filed Taxes on or before February 5, 2017, please take part in this Survey.

If you Filed your Taxes on or before February 5, 2017?

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Please participate in the second survey so we can compare how many people with Path Act message Updated.

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Please vote and share this post below to help us determine where we stand at today!

Thank You Very Much for your Support and Please Continue to Follow and Share are Income Tax Refund Updates!

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Tags: 2016accept taxaccept tax returnsaccepted janaccepted jan bankaccepted jan wmraccepted theaccepted the thaccepting returnsaccepting taxaccepting tax returnsactive weeksactive weeks daysadvance stateadvance state indianaadvance state missouriadvance state ohioadvocate serviceaffiliate linksago injuredago injured spouseam mekatxbabyam niaxam niax oham taxam tax prepareram waitingamended returnsamount ofamp blockamp middotamp nbspamp nbsp ampamp nbspchildamp nbspchild taxamp nbspscheduleamp nbspschedule gingersnapamp nbspschedule ijustwantmymoneyamp nbsptaxpayeramp nbsptaxpayer advocateamp nbspwamp nbspw despmomamp nbspw lilredamp nbspw taxamp nbspwhereamp nbspwhere myan irsand beand errorand error codesand hadand had myand submitanonymous januaryanonymous january atapproved janapproved jan directapproved jan earnedapril mayare notat amat am mekatxbabyat am niaxat am taxat pmat pm lilredat pm loriat pm taxat universalattention daysattention days hoursbank earnedbank earned incomebank 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tohealth insurancehealth insurance companyhoping tohoping to winhours agohow wehow we moderateif itif youif you donif you haveigotmyrefundigotmytaxrefundihavemyrefundijustwantmymoney januaryijustwantmymoney january atin advancein advance statein ourin queuein testin test batchin theincomeincome taxincome tax creditindiana filingindiana filing dateinjured spouseinsurance companyireceivedmyrefundirs phoneirs refundirs taxirs tax refundirs transactionirs transaction codesirs whereirs where myirs willis theis the firstis whatis what itit lolit lol replyit mayit meansit means whenjackson hewittjan bankjan bank orjan datejan date acceptedjan directjan direct depositjan earnedjan earned incomejan gotjan got myjan wmrjan wmr barsjanuary atjanuary at amjanuary at pmjux trynalast yearlibertytaxlilred januarylilred january atlog inlol replylol reply viewmarch aprilmarch april maymay notmeans whenmeans when wmrmekatxbaby januarymekatxbaby january atmissouri bankmissouri bank ormoderate commentsmore thanmy amendedmy moneymy refundmy refund earnedmy yrmy yr oldnavigation oldernavigation older commentsnbsp ampnbspchild taxnbspchild tax creditnbspschedule gingersnapnbspschedule ijustwantmymoneynbsptaxpayer advocatenbspw despmomnbspw lilrednbspw taxnbspw tax topicnbspwhere mynd barnd bar dateneed tonetspend wmrnetspend wmr barsnew hampshirenew hampshire filingniax januaryniax january atniax ohniax oh okaynot postnumber fornumber for yourof courseof ouroh okayohio filingohio filing dateolder commentson ouron our siteon theon the thonlineor mayor may notor prepaidor prepaid chaseor prepaid commerceor prepaid creditor prepaid netspendour affiliateour affiliate linksour siteover taxesover taxes thispay attentionpay attention daysphone numbersplease readpm lilredpm loripm taxpm tax preparerPollpopular topicspopular topics thisprepaid chaseprepaid chase earnedprepaid commerceprepaid commerce bankprepaid creditprepaid credit unionprepaid netspendprepaid netspend wmrpreparer freetaxusapreparer freetaxusa feespreparer taxactpreparer taxact feespreparer turbotaxpreparer turbotax feespreperationprocess fromprocess from filingreceiving payreceiving pay attentionrefundrefund cyclerefund cycle chartrefund cycle chartsrefund earnedrefund earned incomerefund forumrefund offsetsrefund schedulerefund staterefund state newrefund statusrefund whenrefund wmrreply viewreply view commentreturnreturns insearch forseasonsecurity numbersecurity number forservicesite andskip toso wonso won stresssocial securitysocial security numberst barst bar datestart acceptingstart accepting returnsstate indianastate indiana filingstate missouristate missouri bankstate newstate new hampshirestate ohiostate ohio filingstate refundsstatus barstatus bar disappearsstress overstress over taxessubmit buttonsubmit yoursupport thesurveytalk totas amptaxtax credittax credit amptax credit eitctax preparertax preparer freetaxusatax preparer taxacttax preparer turbotaxtax preparerstax Refundtax 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comment niaxvs weeklywaiting forwaiting for correctwant towas acceptedwas accepted thewas thewas the thwe arewe getwe moderatewe moderate commentsweek codeweek code helpweeks daysweeks days agowhat barswhat bars earnedwhat iswhat is thewhat itwhat it meanswhen didwhen wmrwhen wmr statuswhen youwhere mywhere my refundwin bigwin big sowith thewmr barswmr bars ndwmr bars stwmr bars whatwmr statuswmr status barwon stresswon stress overyear replyyear reply viewyou donyou fileyou haveyou mustyour commentyour healthyour health insuranceyour refundyour returnyour taxyr old

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