Tag: IRS


If you’ve filed your taxes already, then you’re probably waiting anxiously for your refund. If you’re like many people, you use the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool or APP a few times each day in hopes that the status of your refund has progressed and is getting closer to your mailbox or bank account. Sometimes,…


We have had many people asking what certain tax topics mean. Here is a Full list of all the IRS Tax Topics taxpayers may see on the Where’s my Refund? app or tool. Please find your topic listed below and follow the link to the IRS website for more information. These Tax Topics contain general individual…


The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that the next couple of weeks, especially around Presidents’ Day, marks the busiest time of year for IRS toll-free phone services. Taxpayers can avoid the rush by getting answers to their questions on IRS.gov. The IRS will be issuing an “Avoid the Rush” series of news releases that…


What should I do? The IRS will send a notice or a letter for any number of reasons. It may be about a specific issue on your federal tax return or account or may tell you about changes to your account, ask you for more information, or request a payment. You can handle most of…


As millions of people begin filing their tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers about some basic tips to keep in mind about their refunds. During the early parts of the tax season, early filers are anxious to get details about their tax refunds. And in some social media, this can lead to misunderstandings…


The Internal Revenue Service is cautioning a variety of organizations that the W-2 phishing email scam is now spreading to more organizations beyond corporate America, with schools, restaurants, hospitals and tribal groups now being targeted by cybercriminals. Last week, the IRS issued a warning about the scam reappearing this tax season for the second year…


Opening Day for the IRS is Today January 27, 2020. The Internal Revenue Service has set the opening day for the 2020 tax filing season for Monday, Jan. 27, 2020. That’s the day the IRS will begin accepting and processing 2019 tax year returns. The tax filing deadline this year is Wednesday, April 15, 2020…


Facing a lot of different tax questions this year? If you are interested in researching some of these issues on your own, the IRS has pulled together an overview of common tax issues in one convenient place — Publication 17, “Your Federal Income Tax.” This updated publication, available on the IRS Web site, contains a…

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